Monday, June 20, 2011

A few final words about the June 2011 Trip

The thread of comments from the Action Groups meeting on Saturday, before leaving for the airport, was amazing. Each and every one related the most meaningful and memorable experience of the trip. It was one of those "you had to be there" moments. Thank you Lord for allowing me to "be there". These TEAM members encouraged me beyond what I ever expected. But it was exactly what I needed! Thank you TEAM for being the light and life of Jesus to not only a dark world, but to those of us who are "here" in Peru.

The Action Groups had names, and I thought it appropriate to share them with you. Maybe you can talk to some of the group members and find out how they determined what to call themselves. They were: Pure in Heart, Forgiven, Hungry, Thirsty, Joyful, and Peacemakers. These names they selected in themselves are an encouragement.

The Action Groups had themes to what they felt God had taught them this week and they were: Unity, Trust, Drawing closer to God, Everyone has something to offer, Healing - physical,emotional, and spiritual and lastly Praying first not as a last result. The experience also opened their eyes and hearts to living for Christ in America. These are comments recorded that YOUR teenagers shared!

Finally, one of our bus drivers, Edgar, was held in high esteem as he was recognized as being a servant of God, trustworthy, a man of integrity, one who we need to not forget, but look up to!

I know pictures say a thousand words, but they do NOT say what I have tried to share in these blogs. The word picture takes a little more thought on both the writer and the readers part, but I do suggest the best way to learn more about the trip is to talk one on one with some of the TEAM members. They have so much more to share personally how Christ worked in and through their individual lives.

To God be the glory!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The beginning and the end

Friday, yesterday, was the beginning and the end! It was the beginning of the last day of ministry on the streets of San Juan de Lurigancho for the TEAM. It was the beginning of the last day of the mission trip.

It was the beginning of a life joined together by God - Caroline and Martin - as we witnessed them take their vows before God and man (the church family and friends. It was the end of their individual lives and they have chosen to 'leave and cleave'. It was a wonderful night to celebrate with them.

It was (or should I say, today IS) the beginning of a new life for those who have been on this trip. This life is a new and totally different perspective of Christ in us. The question is, what will we do with Jesus?

The mission trip as such may be winding down. The mission itself must continue. We are called, to different places in different seasons of our lives, but we are called to be His ambassadors.

This is the end of one assignment and the beginning of the next. Pray for us!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Stories and Testimonies Shared

A few more stories/testimonies were shared and they are here for you to pray about and praise God for the work in progress!

Good Shepherd Orphanage - the kids (Peruvian and American! big and small!) had a blast playing together! The salvation bracelets and cards were explained and given out. The children knew what the colors stand for. They have learned this from other visitors. It was an opportunity to hide God's Word in their hearts.

Pachacutec - Three teenage girls, one young man, a lady, all accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior at one drama site. Many responded after the other TEAM shared the drama as well. One lady was angry because she missed her bus. She stopped to watch the drama. She shared afterwards that she is a Christian, but needed prayer. She was thankful to God (that she missed her bus!)

San Auagustin School - We were not allowed to present the Gospel. Andy did what we could. Not open to our presence. There appeared to be spiritual opposition. The sound system started having problems at the point of Jesus' death.

On the street - At the end a couple came forward in order to get the crowd to come forward. They are Christians and renewed their wedding vows 5 months ago. They pray that God will use them in marriage ministries.

Have you ever thought about similar opportunities there at home in the states? We may not have a skit or drama to do. We may not draw a crowd on the street corner. What can we do? We can walk and talk boldly for and about Jesus. Wear our Christian t-shirts. Share what He is doing in our lives. Give Him the glory publicly. Offer to pray with those we know are hurting. Such opportunities abound. We just need to look for them, seize the moment, and pray for discernment in using the time God has given.

Two of many, many reports of encounters by the TEAM this week!

There have been many salvations on the streets this week and pastors have been with the TEAM as they ministered and shared the gospel so they now have contacts to follow up. Very encouraging when Wednesday a young man was led to the Lord through a drama, and he came to the "prayer crusade" that night at our church and brought 3 family members!

Yesterday a school teacher saw the TEAM in costumes and asked (in English) what it was all about. He asked if he could bring his class of 20 students. Talked with him later and he is a new believer of less than 2 years. We connected him with the Pachacutec Church pastor and he plans to visit their AWANA Club this Saturday.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Free Day!

Our free day was Tuesday. This is the day that we get to do some sightseeing, shopping, and hanging with our friends. But let me tell you, "Free Day" is NOT a day off from serving the Lord or being a testimony to others.

We began the morning with personal devotions and praise and worship in a city park! This was cool because Jesus was praised by our brothers and sisters from the church who accompanied us, Crosswave and Arrows Team members jointly. In the middle of our walking tour of the city of Lima, we were observed by hundreds of people and we believe our appearance and attitude was positive and honoring our Heavenly Father. In the market we were able to see arts and crafts items up close, make personal choices, bargin a little, and use our best "Spanglish". Wait until you see what we are bringing home! Such great finds.

We went out to lunch - at Pizza Hut! And then it was off to the beach so we could see, smell, touch, and photograph the Pacific Ocean. After playing there for quite some time we visited an upscale, modern, (expensive!) mall with a large patio and many shops and restaurants. Our time was short, but Mary seized the opportunity to speak with a young man using the pastor's wife, Marita, to translate. A short time later, Mary was introducing Michael as a new believer to Pastor Bill. How cool was that.

It was a long bus ride home through the city at a high peak traffic hour, but we were welcomed to fried chicken, rice and vegetables prepared by the awesome kitchen staff. Our "Action Groups" went into action and spent some time in prayer followed by our team time and the final leg of the journey from the church to our hotel.

We continue to praise God for His protection our His ambassadors!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Our Plan - His Plan Part 2

Another day dawns, we are ready!

This morning in our praise time we sang "I will never be the same again, Do whatever YOU have to do in me, Lord." This time it was the TEAM who God was speaking to and the changes in individual lives only He knows! But, as the TEAM gathered together, poured out their hearts to the Lord, confessed their sin, accepted His grace, and were renewed by the Holy Spirit, the day's schedule indicated our plans, but His plan was greater. And it was for our good! Thank you Lord for stopping us and directing our steps.

In brief, let me share some of the drama site experiences....because I know you have been praying for the TEAM as they share the gospel and introduce the community to Jesus. The dramas have been going very well. Even when there are obstacles that need to be broken through. The school visit was cut short, but the gospel was still presented and even the Principal raised her hand during the casting of the net. Some sites have not been what we anticipated, but that hasn't stopped the TEAM from focusing on completing their task of presenting the gospel! A night time drama at a skate park was a new experience for the TEAM, and some gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ! The salvation bracelets have been used to re-enforce the gospel and are in great demand when the TEAM members bring them out of the bus. Everyone wants one!

From the "Blessing Books" TEAM members write...Thank you Lord for: sleep, no one was hurt, the dog only bit my pant leg, a hot shower, opportunities to pray for others, the healing You provide, this time with our family, guiding me, Your love, those people praying for me, our prayer partners, being appreciated by the Peruvians, our safety, new believers, giving me the words when I was casting the net, good health.

From the 2nd Blessing Book....Thank you Lord for: our safe arrival, our bus drivers, new friends, teaching me patience, the prayers of others as I give my testimony, my spiritual eyes, being with me in my spiritual battle, new believers, YOU are in control of everything, knowing a little Spanish, time with the kids, the new family brought into the church, seeing a little girl I met several years ago, using the salvation bracelets to help share the gospel, God being all powerful, Jesus is our hope.

Here's one blessing book quote for you to tuck in your memory bank and remember in prayer...."I am thankful that Jesus called a man, Samuel, who said he knew and believed in God and that Jesus came to die for us. He said he had one question. 'How can I have peace?' We continued to help him understand he needed to surrender control of his life. He prayed and a church member got Samuel's contact information. God is good"!

We are laborers together - Those in North Carolina, Indiana, and San Juan de Lurgiancho. Praise God for the support of His family as the TEAM ministers.

Our plan - His plan

So sorry I couldn't write last night -- way too tired!

Our plan - His plan! Our verse we shared earlier this week was an example of our day yesterday. We plan our course, He directs our steps. The schedule allowed for some time to help at the church "Family Festival". Let me share briefly what different team members did to 'help'. None of these were in our plan but they were all part of His plan. Some TEAM members participated by:

peeling potatoes, visiting a prisoner, assisting in the dental office, delivering a stove, making picarones (fried donuts) helping in the eye clinic, taste testing typical Peruvian food including cebichi, praying for a girl in a wheelchair and others at the church, stacking chairs, unstacking chairs, setting up tables, carrying meals from one floor to another and serving them, holding a roof top prayer meeting, team tagging while walking from the hotel to the church.

How did this fit into the plan? The TEAM continued to worship the Lord through their service to Him and others. Sure they had a plan to attend the morning church service, to help when called upon, and to share the drama and testimonies. But when we are totally available, we find our steps are directed by the Lord!

Last night street dramas were in two separate locations. We have yet to hear all the reports of what God did during that time and will blog them later today. Continue to pray for the TEAM. As would be expected, the pace is fun and furious, but it can cause us to fall into areas that we need to avoid - like shortness with one another, losing focus, tiredness, or other unkind attitudes and actions. We can honestly say the TEAMs are doing GREAT! God is with them. Just continue to pray for them!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mail call!

Can you believe it? The TEAM actually received a letter the first day they were in Peru! Imagine that! They got mail, well, e-mail to be exact. The letter was very personal and meaningful. Jan Daigle wrote to them, and she has graciously allowed us to post her thoughts to the TEAM for their family and friends. Here’s what she shared with them.

Hello Crosswave and Arrows!

Welcome to Peru! I pray that you had a safe trip. I actually boarded the plane with you in Miami as I was talking with Mary on the phone when she was boarding! I was glad for that moment for it really gave me the feeling of "being there with all of you."

I know that a part of your theme this year is about hope. I pray that hope grows large in each of your hearts and that you are given many opportunities to pass God's message of hope to others. Hope is something that is certainly needed by many who live in Peru. Hope is big for me too, but I must admit that I have been thinking a lot about choices the past 2 days. I would love to invite you to add choices to part of your theme as you go thru the coming week. YOU are so much a part of why choices has become my theme for this week and let me explain why this is so...

Many of you know me, although some do not. However I have heard that all of you have prayed for me and I am so very thankful! I have been in Peru with the Crosswave team every summer since you first came in 2003. I love Peru, I love the Peruvian people, I love what God is doing there as He is pouring out His love thru people like you and me. My plans have been to be in Peru every summer but this year it was not to be. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January of this year, 2 days before I was to leave for Peru with a team from my own ministry, Face to Face Missions. I did not make that trip, and now not able to make this one. If you know me at all, you know how difficult it is for me not to be there with you. Heather says I am practically Peruvian! I had become quite sad about not going this summer...until God reminded me of choices. You see, no one made me not go to Peru this summer. I had a choice, it was my choice, and I chose to remain at home. Even with a diagnosis of cancer I could have delayed treatment and gone to Peru anyway...but it would not have been the right choice. It was not an easy choice to stay home, but it was the right choice. Many times in life we are faced with difficult choices, ridden with emotion. Not easy choices, but gut wrenching ones. My choice this week to remain at home is because I am choosing to move to the front like in my fight against cancer. While you were en route to Peru I sat in a chair in the chemo room of my Dr.'s office receiving my first chemo treatment. I chose to be there. By choosing to be there, I chose not to be in Peru. It brings God's light into my situation and lessens the pain of not being with all of you to know that I had a choice..and I am choosing life.

What choices will you make this week? You will have many opportunities to make choices. You can choose your attitude, you can choose an opportunity to give when you would rather receive, you can choose to go the extra mile when you are already bone tired, you can choose to love, you can choose to serve, you can choose to bless, you will even be faced with a choice to forgive someone. Or, you could choose to be selfish, unforgiving, unloving, etc. What choices will you make? What will you do with your choices? Some choices may be difficult for you. Some may even bring you to tears just as my choice to remain at home has brought me to tears. However, it is in those type of heartbreaking choices that you may discover the most tender intimate moments with Jesus that you have even known! Jesus is our example of such deep and heart felt choices. He prayed and cried tears of blood in the garden, but in his struggle over choices he came to the place of "not my will, but yours’ be done." That's what it all boils down to...what choice will bring the most glory to God. Aren't you glad that Jesus made the right choice!

God spoke of choices in the Old Testament. In Deut. 30:19 Just before going into the Promise Land, God spoke to the Israelites concerning choices. "I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life." Don't you love it? God not only gives us choices, He even tells us which one is the better choice to make!

So this week, choose life, and choose blessing!
I love you and am praying for you each step of the way!
Dios te bendiga mucha!

God is BIG all the time, and all the time God is BIG!

Friday – the end of the week and beginning of a weekend for most everyone.

In the case of the Crosswave and Arrows TEAM ministering in Peru, it is the start of something BIG! Why do I say BIG? Because God is in it and He does things up bigger and better than we could imagine.

He has already shown us a little of His "BIGness".

- The Arrows TEAM, from Indiana, flew through Atlanta last night and had to change planes. Their flight was delayed due weather. Within 5 minutes of their departure, all other flights were cancelled. That’s a BIG God taking care of His ambassadors!

- The energy and excitement of the TEAM members is BIG, as they join in worship and ministry with a purpose! I mean, BIG worship, a swelling of praise in music and prayers, I witnessed today. And this is before the team even hits the streets with their dramas introducing Jesus to the community. Can’t wait to hear what He does in the next few days.

- The generous donations by families and friends in the states were unpacked today and it was BIG. I mean BIG! After lugging the baggage around, we could not only see how big it was but we could feel how big.  About 45,50 lb suitcases, and approximately 25 duffle bags were provided by BIG hearts, which will result in BIG smiles and appreciation by many Peruvians.

- Pray for Carla Dennis, please. She took a BIG fall down a flight of steps today. Don’t panic. She’s doing fine. Why? Because we have a BIG Father who protected her from serious harm.

- The Women’s Workshop and Conference tonight had a BIG response to the stories, testimonies, skit and drama the TEAM members shared. What a fabulous night to be able to pray with dozens of women and see God move in the lives of those in attendance.

What will be next? We don’t know. But as I watched and listened to the TEAM members in prayer groups this afternoon, I have confidence they are looking to Him for guidance as they step out in faith to share with the Peruvians that Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by Him. We have hope in Jesus and that is the message they have come to share.

God is BIG all the time, and all the time God is BIG!

Friday, June 10, 2011


The MINI-TEAM is settled in at the hotel in San Juan de Lurigancho. The excitement was unbelievable as they joined the Crosswave half of the MEGA-TEAM. Both are awaiting the arrival of the Arrows half of the MEGA-TEAM. Arrows has landed, cleared customs and boarding the bus to the hotel as I write. Finally, they are soon to be reunited!

Think about that, are you ready to be reunited with the Son of God, Jesus Christ when He calls you home or returns to gather His own? This is the message that the TEAMs will be sharing this week. There is one way, and only one, to know without a doubt that we will be reunited for eternity! Crosswave and Arrows have come to bring this message to the Peruvians.

That means there is HOPE! And the theme this week will be centered around a message of hope for the women, youth, and adults here in SJL.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thought for Today

The Lord gave me a verse today for the CrossWave TEAM and those co-laboring with them here in Peru.

Proverbs 16:9

In our hearts, we plan our course, but the Lord determines our steps.

Monday, June 6, 2011

They're here!

The Crosswave MINI-TEAM arrived in Lima tonight and are getting settled in at the home where they will be staying for the first four nights of their trip. We praise God for His hedge of protection around them during this day of travel.

Tomorrow is their first work day and they are very excited to get started! The time they spend at the Good Shepherd Orphange will pass very quickly, and Thursday afternoon they will be assisting with the final preparations for the MAXI-TEAM's arrival! That will be the onset of the second leg of their journey.

Please continue to pray for God to work in and through each TEAM member. The many plans, prayers and preparations over the past few months is only the beginning. Now it's time to practice what we preach and put it into perspective.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

2011 Missions Team to Peru!

Hi everyone,

We're getting the site back up into action for the 2011 trip, leaving on June 9. And we have a small 5-person team leaving on June 5 to have several days at the Good Shepherd Orphanage. Here's a picture of this year's team: