Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sowing & reaping

This good news you may already have heard, but here it is again for those who haven’t.  Tuesday night drama on the streets resulted in 20 new babes in Christ!  Now tell me, don’t you think the angels are rejoicing?  Well, the TEAM is!  The neat thing is the testimonies shared spoke loud and clear and one of our translator’s college friends who had heard the gospel time and again, turned her life over to Christ after hearing the testimonies.  The Louis Flores family has continued to pray for her for a long, long time.  She is now not just a friend, but a sister!

The team had fun today in chapel with all the students from the school at the host church.  They sang songs with action, did skits and acted out the story of the Good Samaritan with Carla telling the newest version I’ve ever heard!  Almost everyone participated and had a wonderful time together.  During recess, the TEAM played with the students and I’m not sure who had the most fun, but I do know the Peruvian children were loved on!

The streets of SJL will never be the same.  Praise God!  The dramas this afternoon were in schools.  We cannot count the number of children from both public and private schools who heard the gospel.  We just know that today the seed was sown by the TEAM.  Let’s continue to ‘water it with prayer’ so one day there will be a great harvest. 

Carla made friends with a lady a few years ago, and she was in an accident and remains in a wheelchair to this day.   It was Carla’s desire to see if she could find her friend today as they were ministering in that neighborhood.  Praise God, she did!  I heard they had a great time reconnecting. 

The prayer conference tonight reminded us all why we pray – and the example of the Flores family praying for their daughter’s college friend who came to know the Lord last night will be long remembered by those who were here.  Let us never forget; PRAYER CHANGES THINGS!


  1. Hallelujah! Thank you for posting this, Joy.

  2. Thank YOU for following the blog and keeping up with the TEAM! Support from 'back home' makes a huge difference! More coming each night through Sunday. When the TEAM is in Pomacochas, I will be with a different team so the updates will have to come from someone else.


  3. Joy, it is good to hear what God is doing and the lives he is changing. I miss seeing you and Don but I am where I am supposed to be right now. Having some good quality time with my older daughter Rachel. Thanks for keeping us informed!!

  4. Dennis: Good to hear from you! Maybe next time you'll join the family and the team. Wait on the Lord to find out!
